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Activity 4 - What are stakeholders?

Learning Intention

To understand what stakeholders are and their position


Curriculum LInk
Communicate ideas, findings and solutions to problems including identifying impacts and limitations of conclusions and using appropriate scientific language and representations (VCSIS113)

Science and technology contribute to finding solutions to a range of contemporary issues; these solutions may impact on other areas of society and involve ethical considerations (VCSSU090)


Success criteria

  • I can communicate what stakeholders are.

  • I can identify the possible stakeholders and what impacts they have on each other and society.



This activity gets the students thinking about how to find a possible solution to a wider problem while ensuring they think about all the parties that are involved. Being able to identify who will be affected by a decision and who makes a decision is an important critical thinking skill needed to develop an informed opinion. Many environmental issues can come off as doomsday scenarios, by empowering students in methods to enact the social change they will understand that these issues do have solutions.


Activity Guide 
Part 1
Prompts - Limit the amount of plastic when buying groceries, limit the amount of rubbish at home such as ensuring you are recycling properly, organise a cleanup day in your local community or in your school.


Part 2
Prompts - Possible stakeholders are you, plastic companies, different levels of government, scientists and environmental activists.

© 2019 By Ben Loh, Ben Mahomed and Rebecca Green

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