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Activity 1 - Nurdles what are they?

Learning Intention:
In this activity, you will learn what plastics
are, their uses, the waste they make and
where they come from. 
You will also learn
what nurdles are, what metals have to do
with them and how they affect the ecosystem


By the end of this activity, you should be able to understand what nurdles are, how they connect with metals and their effect on the environment and ecosystems.


Background information:
Plastic is apart of all our lives, it is used to make almost everything, water bottles, kitchenware, containers, and so on. The impact of the vast amount of plastic on our lives is significant and the responsibility of plastic use is often solely focused on the consumer. However, big corporations play a huge role in the damage the environment receives, through plastic production and spills. Today we are going to look at nurdles, little plastic pellets called microplastics plastics, what they are, their effect and why we need them.

Part 1:

Watch this video, being sure to note down any interesting facts. So you can answer the following questions

Questions to think about:

  1. Why do we need nurdles?

  2. What is the effect on marine life?

  3. What could their effect be on humans?

Part 2:
In pairs pick one of the following topics to research and create an informative presentation. You can use the links as a starting point, but be sure to do more research. 

After completing your research, choose a method to present your information. This could be one of the following: video, poster, powerpoint, digi-explanation or any other method you can think of.

How do nurdles end up at sea?

Size of nurdles

Toxic combinations of nurdles- including metals

Effects on animals that eat nurdles


Part 3:

After all, the presentations are complete write down one point from each group you found to be interesting.

© 2019 By Ben Loh, Ben Mahomed and Rebecca Green

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