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Activity 1 - Nurdles what are they?

Learning Intention:


To investigate the methods that scientists
use to gather information about where the
nurdles could have originated from.


Background Information:


Nurdles have been found in oceans and washed up on shores in all parts of the World. Scientists have been analysing the metal accumulation on the coating of the nurdles found to try and figure out where they were originally from. Nurdles produced in different countries contain various polymers that attract different metal ions, therefore giving some indication of their origin. There are many people trying to find a solution to the nurdle pollution by prevention of their spillage, however, as of yet, there are no permanent solutions, only prevention.


Part 1: Flame test


Observe the demonstration given by your teacher. In this demonstration, we will be testing the reactions of different metals when burned by a flame and comparing the colour that each flame turns.


Part 2: Nurdle map


Here is a map with the marked locations of where nurdles were collected from around the world.

                 - Nurdle map worksheet


Using the key provided, determine which country each group of nurdles possibly came from based on the trace metals found on their surface coating.


Part 3: possible solutions and ethical considerations


Now that you all know a bit more on nurdles and why they’re an issue, discuss the following questions in pairs:


  1. What are some ways in which we can help or prevent the nurdle pollution issue?

  2. From the ways you found to help, are there any problems you will face by trying these solutions?

  3. How do your solutions impact people in the society?

  4. Do you think the nurdle pollution issue can ever be fixed for good?


When asked by your teacher, present your findings to the rest of the class to compare ideas.

© 2019 By Ben Loh, Ben Mahomed and Rebecca Green

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